Your New Favorite Skincare Morning Routine

There’s a science behind the makings of a good morning routine. Queuing up your favorite playlist, making coffee, and sliding into your favorite fuzzy slippers are guaranteed to set you up for a beautiful day ahead. Enhancing your morning rituals and putting a little extra pep in your step can come from designing a super low-maintenance, nourishing skincare morning routine.

Can you have a skincare routine that involves more than 3 steps?

Part of being human means, falling in love with the things that make you, you. Over the years, plenty of skin care companies have sold the idea of the coveted three-step skincare routine, as if you could knock out certain parts of your routine to save time with no consequence. 

The truth is that it takes little to no time to add one or two essential steps, especially when it can make the difference between protecting your skin from the sun, free radicals, and air pollution. 

Start off with a cleanser

morning cleanser

If you don’t have a “holy grail” cleanser, yet, don’t give up hope! One of the best parts about working with a licensed esthetician for monthly facials is getting all of the nitty-gritty details about their favorite products. 

Estheticians are skin science experts, so creating a regimen based on their suggestions, and your skin type, is the perfect match. Start your morning off with that cleanser, making sure to lather up some delicious scrubby bubbles, then rinse, and pat your face dry. 

Introduce a toner or essence

We’re all about keeping the skin care morning routine as simple as possible. Adding in an option for exfoliation helps to accelerate your skin cell turnover and removes layers of dead skin cells. The result is clear pores free of debris, dirt, and sebum. Using a hydrating mist or balancing toner every day will help your products penetrate deeper and create a more even skin texture and tone.

Warm up your serums between your fingers

skincare serum

Serums are a skincare lover's best friend. In fact, serums provide a slew of proteins, ingredients like vitamin C, tyrosinase inhibitors, hyaluronic acids, and benefits that will help repair what’s been lost and protect your skin for years to come. While they all serve different functions, a serum that focuses on hydration, even as simple as hyaluronic acid, can make a world of difference! 

After toning your skin, warm up your preferred serum between your fingers. Heating up your serums helps activate all of the wonderful nutrients that your skin will thank you for later. Apply your serum in an upward motion and allow it to dry before heading onto your next step.

Don’t forget about your eye creams

An eye cream that’s curated specifically for your skin’s needs enhances your routine, best used after serums. You can find eye creams that treat everything from hyperpigmentation to fine lines and wrinkles! Use just a pea-sized amount, between your fingers and gently pat it onto your eyelids and under your eye.

Apply your favorite moisturizer 

Moisturizers are probably the crowd-favorite step in everyone’s skincare routines. There’s nothing like slathering on your favorite, rich, hydrating moisturizer to get your skin glowing and looking radiant. Choosing a morning moisturizer requires you to consider your skin's needs. Do you have combination skin, or are you constantly fighting an oily t-zone? If you’re unsure, check in with your esthetician at your next facial appointment.

Protect your face with an SPF-rich sunscreen

daytime SPF

There’s endless stirring around the best new anti-aging products when the truth is that SPF and protecting your skin is the best anti-aging product that will ever exist. SPF doubles as a hydrating layer of moisture that defends your skin against harmful UV rays, keeping you safe from the endless complications that can arise from sun damage. If you have a rough morning and forget to do ⅔ of your skincare routine, make sure that SPF is one of the steps you remember.

Finish up your evening with a little nighttime routine to set yourself up for success the following morning

Your nighttime routine is just as important as your morning routine. Take off your makeup with some micellar water or an oil-based cleanser, cleanse your face, and apply your favorite serum and moisturizer to sink into your pores as your body rests and regenerates. Your skin will wake up hydrated, rested, and radiant – ready for any and everything the day is about to bring you.

Golden Hour Aesthetics is here for all of your skincare needs!

It takes one habit to shift the health of your skin, and we’re so ready to support you on that journey. With custom facials fit to your unique skin concerns, and results-oriented treatments such as microneedling, radiant, golden skin is within your reach. Connect with us to schedule your first skincare consultation, we can’t wait to meet you!


Achieve the Perfect Glow: How to Double Cleanse 


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